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Vocal Training - Level 2.1

1- Relaxation and postural placement.  Before starting, you should stretch your whole body. Re-position the back, neck and shoulders. Make circular movements to remove tension from the neck, roll your shoulders forward and back several times and straighten your back while bending your knees. Stretch your arms forward and raise them up. In this position, turn your head looking from right to left little by little. Feel comfortable@.  Duration 2/3  min.

2-Activation of Breathing.  Take several breaths following the   Table Nº-1_bb3-bb14c-978 136bad5cf58d_   of respiratory patterns. Breathe in and out in a relaxed way, notice how the indicated area works. Expand your ribs and release the air with precision.  We will do this exercise seated and with our eyes closed. Note: Before you begin determine what your number pattern is going to be and the number of repeat cycles. Take note of your breathing routine using the breathing planning sheets. Duration 3/4 minutes.

4 - free breathing patterns

3- Guided breathing _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_y continua.  This is a very powerful exercise that will make you thoroughly work all your respiratory muscles. *I recommend that initially, if you are a person who does not exercise much or who tends to get dizzy with these exercises, you sit down to first observe how your body responds. If you don't get dizzy, I encourage you to do the exercise standing up because its benefits at the bone structural level are wonderful. You will feel how your entire back and abdominal base begin to relocate. Exercise 1 is scheduled in 8 fast beats, the air will enter through the mouth, straw-style, and will come out in 8 equal beats, blowing. As the exercise progresses, your respiratory capacity will increase, so you will have to expand with more force in the air intakes and outlets, filling and emptying yourself completely.

Respiracion - con voz guiada
Respiración sin marcar Marca tu propio tiempo.

4- Diaphragm ready. Is your musculature in optimal conditions? With this exercise you will get your diaphragm and intercostal muscles ready. Practice the exit of the air with short and long Shhhhhh . Rapid intercalated breathing and well-synchronized timing of emission are required. Keep your back straight and without tension.  Repeat in tempo with the audio: 2 Bars to Eighth Notes and 2 Bars to Quarter Notes. 

Diafragma a puntoShhhhh Shhhhhh

5- Exercise of * Super-resistance 1 . Diaphragm Activation.  Perform this exercise once a day and your delivery and support will improve dramatically. We combine vocal output with blown attack + Shhhh.   At the same time we will mark the air outlet with our hand tapping .

 Melodic sequence:   ha-ha-ha-ha--he-he-he-he--hi-hi--ho-ho--hu- hu-huuuuu.


Calentamiento guiado
Calentamiento DiafracmaticoSuper Resistencia

6-Reactivation of   the resonators Essential for this first session as usual. We will start with the oral resonator projecting a soft mmm well centered on the part of the lips. Once the first series is finished, we will repeat the exercise with a sound in nnnn , working the nasal resonator . Exercise with 5º ascending jump.

Colocación del sonido
Mmmm y Nnnnnn Resonadores - Salto de 5

7-Warm up + Articulation. Relax the muscles of the face and work the opening of the  jaw without forcing.  Place your hands on the jaw, and cushion the movement gently. Little by little and in an exaggerated way, you define the vowels with the  lips until they are perfectly marked. Repeat the exercise if necessary.  Vocal line: meow meow

Calentamiento + Articulación
Calentamiento + ArticulaciónRelajación de mandíbula

8-Major scale. Let's take a look at the Major scale, which is very important to work on your ear and tuning. In this case, due to the different tessituras of the students, we will sing the names of the notes, even if they are not the exact ones. The important thing is to know its sound and how its intervals sound.

DO - RE - MI - FA - SOL - LA - SI - DO - DO - SI - LA - SOL - FA - MI - RE - DO

Escala de Do Mayor
Escala de Mi Mayor
Escala de Sol Mayor

9-Tuning, placement and Passagio . With this exercise we intend to work different resources at the same time. Develop the ear  and improve the tuning,  starting from a minor chord, working on the chordal closure to precisely unify our Passagio.  Note:  Starting from a K  we will work the note jumps corresponding to a minor chord using all the vowels. Ka-Ka / Ke-Ke / Ki-ki / Ko-Ko / Ku/Ku

C3 - C5 - Acorde Menor 5ªJAfinación + Passaggio
E3 - C5 - Acorde Menor 5ªJAfinación + Passaggio
G3 - C5 - Acorde Menor 5ªJAfinación + Passaggio

10-Pitch, placement and vocal agility. Starting from a central M we will work intervals or note jumps corresponding to a major chord + its 8th. Try not to disconnect the sound, projecting from the diaphragm.  Work with all the vowels in a bound form.  For this exercise you can work with an Inspiration_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Soft nose.

C3 - C6 - Acorde Mayor + 8ºAfinación + colocación
E3 - C6 - Acorde Mayor + 8ºAfinación + colocación
G3 - C6 - Acorde Mayor + 8ºAfinación + colocación

11- Vocal Suspension + Tuning - Physical Voice  Technique . One of the main basic resources that we have to learn to control is the vocal stabilization and its firm prolongation in time . For this I have prepared an effective exercise where we will help each other with the arm and the hand when it comes to stabilizing and projecting the sound. The hand will be placed open with a light blow while the arm is raised from bottom to top. (PVT)  First we will say the Numbers from 1 to 5 and then we will continue with explosive consonants like T, D, P. We will start at E3 and then you can work with the different pitches while always keeping your voice in the chest register.

G3 - Suspensión + Afinación PVT
E3 - Suspensión Vocal - PVT
A3 - Suspensión +Afinación PVT
B3 - Suspensión + Afinación PVT
C4 - Suspensión + Afinación PVT

12- Extension of the vocal resonance, melody and rhythm  - Unification of the passaggio. This is a wonderful exercise made up of 4 melodic bars that will help us  unify the passaggio, facilitating placement in our mixed register and head, giving our voice greater resonance and vocal quality. Always using the consonant B (+ vowel) + Resonance en  Mmmm. Note: Memorize the different melodies first .

Ampliación de la Resonancia
Melodia y RitmoResonancia

13- Harmonization, melody and rhythm  - Progressive exercise for two voices. Choose which vocal register you want to work with (Chest register - Head register - Falsetto) We will start with the mouth resonator making a very sonorous mm  and we will continue in order, with the syllables: BIRI-BA / BIRI - BE / BIRI-BI / BIRI-BO / BIRI - BU

Armonización a dos voces
Ejercicio a dos vocesArmonización y ritmo

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